Hakan Kolayiş, İhsan Sarı, Fikret Soyer, Leyla Gürhan
Sakarya University, School of Physical Education and Sports,Turkey


The aim of this study was to investigate whether 8 weeks practiced physical activities affect Orphans’ self-esteem and anxiety. 25 orphans whose age average was 11,04±084 years voluntarily participated to the research. Turkish forms of general anxiety scale and Piers-Harris children's self-concept scale was applied to the children before and after 8 weeks practiced physical activities. Data was tested in SSPS 13,0 program and level of significance were determined as 0,05. Descriptive statistics techniques, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation test were used in the analysis of the data.The results revealed that there was a significant difference (P<0.05) between pre-test and post-test of anxiety and self-esteem points. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between pre-test and post-test of anxiety and self-esteem points. Spearman's correlation test showed that there is significant correlation between pre-test anxiety and post-test anxiety (r = 0,974; p<0.05), pre-test anxiety and pre-test self-esteem (r = -0,705; p<0,05), pre-test anxiety and post test self-esteem (r = -0,674; p<0,05), post-test anxiety and pre-test self-esteem (r = -0,717; p< 0,05), post-test anxiety and post-test self-esteem (r = -0,697; p<0,05), pre-test self-esteem and post-test self-esteem (r = -0.969p<0.05). It can be concluded that physical activities is beneficial for children who live in orphanage. People living without their parents suffer from lack of love and care. Absence of satisfying such needs results in psychological depression and problems. Hence, participating in physical activities will help children living in an orphanage to be strong, happy healthy and successful in their future. Key words: orphan, anxiety, self-esteem, physical activity


Anxiety is defined as a negatively-valenced psychological state which arises under threatening circumstances and it leads to affective, physiological, and cognitive changes (Northern, 2010). Anxiety sometimes might be a very serious problem, therefore some scientists define it as an unpleasant emotional state and it is often accompanied by fatigue, exhaustion and some physiological symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating, nausea, chills, trembling, hyperventilation, fear of doing something uncontrolled, and fear of death (Greist & Jefferson, 2000).

Self-esteem refers to how much value people place on themselves. High self-esteem means positive evaluation of the self and low self-esteem refers to an unfavorable opinion of the self (Baumeister et al. 2003). Self-esteem is indispensable for high quality of life (Branden, 1990) and is related to life satisfaction (Biddle, Fox & Boutcher, 2000).

Exercise is beneficial for various health problems and many negative states are eliminated by physical activity. Therefore effects of exercise on different psychological states have been widely researched (Sagrati, 2009; Schulz, 2008).  Previous research also showed that physical activity increases self-esteem (Debate, 2009; Faulkner, 2007) and diminished anxiety (Oeland, Laessoe, Olesen & Munk-Jorgensen, 2010, Strong et al. 2005)

People’s developing healthy life is an important issue to consider. Family is responsible and the prime factor for healthy development of children (Cebe, 2005). Children living in orphanage experience difficulty in their life because their emotional needs are not met by their parents. Hence, they might have some psychological problems (Tümkaya & Songül, 2005). Especially, orphans need help to solve their life’s problem. Since, exercise programs have been suggested to be psychologically and emotionally beneficial (Sonstroem, 1998), physical activities might be used for psychological wellbeing of children who live in such places without their families.

Rather than physical activity, there might be various individual factors that affect self-esteem and anxiety. For example; age, gender, socio-economic status, school type, occupation of father, education level of father are some of them (Çetinkaya et al.  2006).

The aim of this study was to investigate whether eight weeks practiced physical activities affect Orphans’ self-esteem and anxiety.


25 children (orphans) whose age average was 11,04±084 years voluntarily participated to the research.

General anxiety scale:
General anxiety scale that was developed by Sarosan and his friends is made of 45 items. The items are answered as “yes” or “no”. Ören (1989) who reported the validity of this scale applied his validated trait anxiety scale to 50 students and correlated the scores of the two scales. The correlation was found to be .57. The reliability coefficient of the anxiety scale was found to be r: 0.66 by Sarosan and his friends in a study which is conducted in 8 different groups with 40 participants. The correlation between the scores of general anxiety scales was found to be .59 in Ören’s research with 30 participants where there was 3 months gap.

Piers-Harris children's self-concept scale:
Children's self-concept scale which Piers-Harris (1964) developed and Öner (1994) made the language adaptation for, evaluate opinion, emotion and attitude of children for themselves. Reliability coefficient of the subscales range from 0.78 to 0.93 Six factors explain the %42 of the change in total score. Reliability coefficients of Turkish scale range from .81 to .89.

Data collection
Pre-test and post-test research design was used for this research in which the aim was to examine the effect of 8 weeks sportive activities on self-esteem and anxiety of orphans. 8 weeks program (1. 2. 3. week Step aerobic 4.week Step aerobic (Choreography), 5. 6. 7. 8. week Table tennis) of the research. The data was collected by the researchers with the Orphanage’s psychologist.

Analyzing of the data
The data obtained from the research was analyzed by SPSS 15 package. Descriptive statistics techniques and non-parametric tests which are Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation test were used in the analysis of the data. Level of significance was determined to be 0,05.


The aim of the study was to examine if physical activities affect self-esteem and anxiety of orphans living in an Orphanage. We also researched if the results vary across gender groups. It was initially assumed that practicing physical activities will result in higher self-esteem and lower anxiety. 

Participants of the study were the orphans from Orphanage. They were a specific group of children and the needs of children staying in these special places are different than other children. Development of these children might be much more different than children living with their parents. Because, man need to experience love and interpersonal contact with their families for their optimum development.  Anxiety levels might get higher and self-esteem levels might be lower due to lack of interaction family members. Consequently, any kind of support to decrease anxiety and increase self-esteem in such contexts is fundamental

Table 1.

The difference between pre-test and post test anxiety point








Anxiety Pre-test






Anxiety Post-test




Self-esteem Pre-test






Self-esteem Post-test





There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between pre-test and post-test of anxiety and self-esteem levels of children. According to the other result of the study, as initially thought, it emerged that participating in physical activities resulted in lower anxiety. Previous research also revealed similar results (Oeland et al. 2010). In our study, participants showed lower anxiety after practising physical activities for a period of time. This could be due to the fact that physical activities include various positive factors that lower anxiety. Some of these factors lowering anxiety might be; togetherness, trust, competence, physical wellbeing etc. that people gain in physical activities.

Table 2.
The difference between genders







Anxiety Pre-test










Anxiety Post-test










Self-esteem Pre-test










Self-esteem Post-test











There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between pre-test and post-test of anxiety and self-esteem levels of children according to gender. Self-esteem score of male participants were found to be higher than females. Previous study also supported this result and reported higher self-esteem in males (Serin ve Öztürk, 2007).

According to the results of the study it appeared that spending time in physical activities resulted in higher self-esteem. This means, children practicing physical activities feel better about their abilities related to sports, which is positively associated with self-esteem. (Slutzky & Simpkins, 2009).

In the light of the results from this study, it can be concluded that physical activities is beneficial for children who live in orphanage. People living without their parents suffer from lack of love and care. Absence of satisfying such needs might results in psychological depression and problems. These children are often neglected and don’t have families that motivate, care for and give attention to them. In order to live in a healthy and happy society, every individual should be given proper attention. Most especially, children like the participants of this study are the ones who need this attention most. Practicing physical activities results in higher self-esteem and lower anxiety in children of our study and we believe that participating in physical activities will help children living without their parents to be strong, happy healthy and successful in their future.


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Orıgınalni naučni rad
Cilj istraživanja je bio da se istraži da li osmosedmično tjelesno vježbanje utiče na nivo anksioznosti i samopoštovanje kod djece bez rodıteljskog staranja. U istraživanju je dobrovoljno učestvovalo 25 siročadi uzrasta 11,04±084 godina. Turska verzija opšte skale anksioznosti i  Piers-Harrisova skala samopoimanja kod djece je primjenjena prije i poslije osmosedmičnog programa tjelesne aktivnosti. Podaci su obrađeni SSPS 13. Nivo značajnosti razlika je uzet na nivou 0.05. U analizi podataka je korištena deskriptivna statistika, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxonov test i Spearman korelacija. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju statistički značajne razlike (P<0.05) između rezultata nivoa anksioznosti i samopoštovanja prije i poslije sprovođenja programa. Rezultati Spearmanove korelacije pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne korelacije između nivoa anksioznosti prije i poslije provedenog programa (r = 0,974; p<0.05), nivoa anksioznosti i nivoa samopoštovanja prije programa (r = -0,705; p<0,05), nivoa izmjerene anksioznosti prije programa i nivoa samopoštovanja nakon programa (r = -0,674; p<0,05), nivoa anksioznosti nakon programa i nivoa samopoštovanja prije programa (r = -0,717; p< 0,05), nivoa anksioznosti i nivoa samopoštovanja poslije programa (r = -0,697; p<0,05), nivo samopoštovanja prije i poslije programa (r = -0.969p<0.05). Može se zaključiti da  tjelesna aktivnost ima blagotvorne efekte na djecu koja žive u sirotištu. Djeca koja su bez roditeljskog staranja suočeni su sa manjkom ljubavi i pažnje. Odsustvo ovih potreba rezultira depresivnim stanjima i psihološkim problemima. Učestvovanje djece u organizovanoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti može pomoći djeci koja žive bez roditeljskog staranja da budu jača, sretnija, zdravija i uspješnija u budućnosti.

Ključne riječi: djece bez rodıteljskog staranja,  anksioznost ,samopoštovanje, tjelesna aktivnost

Correspondence to:
Hakan Kolayiş
Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu,
Esentepe Kampüsü 54187 Sakarya,
Fax: 90 264 2956642,
Telephone: 90 264 2956652